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Soil health is a critical aspect of sustainability, yet it often doesn't receive the attention it deserves.

From death to life - through love & science.

The journey of Noble Gateway began with the transformation of a disused exotic animal breeding farm in Hulu Langat into a showcase for eco-friendly farming and biodiversity conservation. Where once the land had been depleted, we set out to restore the health of the soil and surrounding habitat through regenerative agriculture principles.


By adopting practices like crop rotation, composting and conservation tillage, we were able to revitalize the degraded farmland. As the land healed, wildlife gradually returned to the area.

Image by Markus Spiske

Follow Our Footsteps in our Step-by-Step Guide

In this guide, we include details about the state of our soil composition before and after rejuvenation, as well as the exact methods we use to restore soil biodiversity in Malaysian climate.

Watch Our Soil Regeneration Classes on Our YouTube Channel

Agriculture Education classes, funded by Rotary International via a Global Grant awarded to Rotary Club of Bukit Bintang, have been recorded and posted on our public YouTube channel for participants to rewatch.

Despite soil’s crucial role in food security, climate regulation, and ecosystem services, soil health is often overshadowed by more visible and immediate environmental concerns. Thus, at Noble Gateway, many of our projects and educational initiatives are centered around soil health restoration and soil biodiversity conservation.

“The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”


- Nelson Henderson

Looking to restore soil health on your real estate or project?

Partner up with us for a good cause - our joint success can create a strong proof-of-concept to be presented to academicians, economists, and business owners, convincing them to invest in the future of people & planetary health.


International Affiliations

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